Learn how to create performance in the moment, how to improvise.
Learn to trust your team, heighten your awareness of group dynamics and leadership capacities.
You will be in a band of individual leaders.
“The feeling of getting that chance to do something you’ve always wished you could have is finally realized. The thrill of making music is made even sweeter by the new dynamic of this strong group that you become a part of in every sense of the word.
What is it?
The Organic Innovation Ensemble (OIE) brings people together to create powerful performances. It is designed to help people tap into innate creative skills, develop their abilities to collaborate and improvise, and help them realize how that applies to their work lives. Through direct immersive experiences in the performing arts, creative energy, innovation and original thinking is infused into today’s corporate cultures. The OIE centers on project-based creative development, on creating a musical performance of substantive quality. Participants are put immediately into a musical ensemble, where everyone takes turns leading and following, playing together as equals. In short, the OIE is designed to improve skills in collaboration through the organic process of creating high quality original musical performances.
“…the emotional content of the music is rich: the structures of the pieces are large scaled.